Sunday, September 16, 2007

Quiet Place

Quiet Place

Tired a little
Going to nowhere
Running in circles
In a strange place

Anybody hear me
I can't see anything
There are somebody here?
Lost here

I can't see anything
I cat't touch anything
I can't have nothing
Why is so quiet here?

Lost in a place that I don't know
I've never seen this thing before
Am I the only one here?
I need to get away

Walking a little
Walking in the same place
Ever and ever
I can't go away

I am standing
All the time
Here and there

I can't hear anything
I can't smeel anything
I can't feel anything
Why is so quiet here?

Lost in a place that I don't know
I am here a so many time
I don't know what to do
I am dying on this place
I wanna get away
I'm not liking
But I'm not afraid
I just wanna get off!

Get off! Get off! Get off! Get off!
Get off! Get off! Get off! Get OFF!

I know it's you
You are not a God
You wanna be what you're not
I know it's you
You are not a God
You wanna be what you're not

I'm lost in a place that I've never seen
Because you wanna play with my life
You wanna see my life in a storm
But I don't care, I won't play your little game
You think you are a big thing
I won't remeber
So you can continue
I don't care!
I'am not afraid
I do not fear

Because is a Quiet place!

Friday, September 14, 2007

Make Some Noise, Use Your Choice

Make Some Noise/Use Your Choice

Make some noise!
Make your choice
It's just this, and it's so easy
(You just have to be noted
You just have to USE YOUR CHOICE)

You have to say, what you have to say
Express you opnion
How could you have what you want / How can you get what you want

If anybody knows you're there

Welcome to the World you live
(Welcome to the world we live)

Welcome to the world where to be noted you have to


You have to be mad
And you can not be sad
You never can be week

You just have to express
What you want


Welcome to the world we live
Welcome to the noise world
Welcome to the world's word
And welcome to the world where tobe noted you have to

Wednesday, September 12, 2007


To fazendo esse blog pra posta minhas letras... Comecei isso num flog, mas num dá pra fica postando qualquer foto só pra mostra uma letra né? hehehe
Não sei como não pensei em fazer um blog antes, mas... agora já fiz!

Bom, eu comecei a escrever e talz faz um tempo... acho que 1 ano e pouco, para ser mais exato, e me deu uma vontade de começa a mostra minhas letras, mas eu não sabia onde, ai fiz o flog e agora este blog...
Eu sei que minhas letras não são aquelas coisas, mas antes, quando comecei, era bem pior... agora são até razoaveis...

Bom, vou começar com uma que eu gosto muito, não sei porque. E é meio tosca.
Ela é meio que uma critica as pessoas que tentam ser o que não são, ou se fazem por algo para serem aceitar e serem "normais", mas a "critica" é feita de uma maneira bem simples. Ok, seu sei que esse assunto já é meio que clichê, existem várias deste jeito e bem melhores, mas como eu escrevi esta a um tempo, eu achei que fico legalzinho...
Bom, já falei de mais...

I'm not normal but who wants to be?
Normal people are what you see on TV (NO)
I'm not normal but who wants to be?
Normal people are what you see on TV (GO)

I am abnormal anyway
But I like to be this way

I never was normal
But i'm not weird
What happen is some people
Just don't understand me

Why can't everyone
Just be what they want
Why can't they live their lives
It's so scary
There are are so many
People faking

I am abnormal anyway
But i like to be this way
I've never tried to be
What I see on TV
Don't be like this
Who you wanna be?